Career Scope
Career Opportunities at IIHM
career scope|
Explore the career scope of job roles, salary expectations, and required qualifications to help you make informed career decisions.
At IIHM, we are committed to guiding our students in a value-driven culture along with creating a professional environment. Our goal is to help our students to grow to new heights keeping them rooted in our traditional values and heritage-rich culture. We at IIHM teach our students the value of old traditions by putting them to use in a modern innovative way. Our students thus pass out with a cultural, technological, and purpose-driven approach to taking on the world.
Our founder, Dr. Pramod Sharma always aspired to generate more career opportunities in the Hotel Industry by grooming our students to out-perform in this field. As per the latest report according to TOI, the ratio of students getting employed in the Hospitality field is more than 75% as compared to Engineering, Pharmacy and other streams.